Indigenous HelpLine

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New Brunswick

Brief Description of OSI-CAN:
OSI-CAN is an Operational Stress Injury/Post Traumatic Stress Support Initiative.
We were created in January 2016 through a partnership between the Canadian Mental Health Association (SK) and The Royal Canadian Legion (Saskatchewan Command). OSI-CAN has now expanded into covering five provinces: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and New Brunswick.
OSI-CAN offers Peer Support Groups (facilitated by trained members with lived experience) and Family Support Groups. Our support groups provide a free, safe, confidential, non-judgmental environment where we can talk openly about mental health. No formal diagnosis or referral is required to get help from OSI-CAN!
Occupational Stress Injury. Operational Stress Injury
To inspire hope and contribute to the continuous well-being and recovery process of Veterans, Community First Responders and Public Safety Personnel.
Our Vision
To empower and encourage our target demographic to strive for recovery, resiliency and post traumatic growth through self-determination while creating a greater public awareness.
To promote hope and recovery, empathic and equal relationships, self-
determination, dignity, respect and social inclusion. To build integrity, authenticity, trust, health, wellness and lifelong learning through personal growth
OSI-CAN Target Demographic:
The target demographic of OSI-CAN are but are not limited to: former and serving members of the Canadian Armed Forces, Allied Armed Forces, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Frontline Protectors --- Municipal Police Services, Probation Officers, CN Police Services, Emergency Medical Services, Fire Protection Services, Wildland Firefighters, Hospital Trauma personnel, Nurses, Healthcare Workers, Crown Prosecutors, Social Workers, Animal Control Officers, Coroners, Indigenous Emergency Management, Victim Services Personnel, Emergency Communications Specialist, Crisis Management Workers (such as Mobile Crisis, etc), Corrections Officers, Youth Workers, Youth Corrections Workers, “Volunteer” First Responders, Conservation Officers, Tow Truck drivers, and private sector First Responders. Persons who in the performance of their jobs are exposed to criminal acts of Trauma. We also provide supports to the spouses and significant others of those exposed to such trauma. This demographic was chosen due to the commonality of experiences they share through the service they provide to the country and community. We have a special interest and support volunteer first responders as they may not have proper access to support.