Indigenous HelpLine

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New Brunswick

OSI-CAN provides referrals and in some cases funding to seek counselling from Psychologists, etc. that specialize in trauma needs!
If you need help, contact Julius at 306-552-3801 or 1-888-495-6068
Email: osicandir@cmhask.com
OSI/PTSI can occur when a person directly experiences or witnesses a traumatic event. It can also happen with repeated exposure to traumatic events and details, as with OSICAN’s target group: military, first responders, 911 dispatchers, corrections, tow truck drivers, and all public safety personnel.
We at OSI-CAN are able to refer you to a counsellor such as a Psychologist specialized in dealing with Trauma situations such as an OSI or PTSD whether you have a diagnosis or not. We can also provide funding for a limited amount of sessions with a Psychologist or Counsellor if needed!
Some Psychologists and Counsellors that we have referred people to include:
Debongshi Chakma
Colette Pelletier - Psychologist/Counsellor
Steve Jacobson - Counsellor
Maureen Martens - Counsellor
Marianne Stewart - Psychologist/Counsellor
Lauren MacDonald - Counsellor (Note: special funding for Aboriginal Veterans from USA and Canada military deployment)
Susan Ulmer - Counsellor (Note: Specializes in addictions counselling and recovery)
Krystal Hawkins, M.Ed. - Psychologist https://www.familyhope.ca/
PSPNET is a free online, self-paced therapy resource for Canadian PSP with an OSI that teaches
simple but effective strategies to manage many mental health concerns including low mood,
depression, anxiety and trauma. Courses available in both English and French. Courses available
in a self-guided format, or with the assistance of experienced therapists in Saskatchewan,
Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and PEI.
Psychology Today - Resource for looking up Therapists and their qualifications